Blending Vs Joining
In today's digitally growing world we need to work on multiple and huge data sources at a same time, Data blending is a very powerful feature of tableau in such cases.
Data joining is useful when we want to combine two or multiple data sets from a single data source. These data sets can be tables or sheets from Excel, Ms Access or SQL tables ,Oracle tables etc but their source is same. But when there is a need to combine multiple sources together then tableau has gives a provision of Data Blending.
Both Joining & Blending mainly used to combine data together but depending on their features and our requirements we can choose between Blending or Joining.
In this blog I will compare between Data Blending & Data Joining.
1 What is Data Blending in Tableau?
In today's business scenarios we come across a variety of data which come from variety of sources & we need to work with such data at a same time or may be we need to combine variety of data together for different analyses.
- Data Blending in Tableau is way of combining related data from two or more sources that can be analysed in a single visualization.
- In blending we can combine data from multiple sources i.e. Excel file, Csv Files, SQL data, Oracle etc & many more .
- A common field called “Linking field” has to be there while performing Data Blending.
- Data Blending performs like a left join operation and does not accept or perform any other type of join.
Sr.No. |
Joining |
Blending |
1 |
Combine datasets from Same Data
Source. |
Able to blend datasets from multiple
Data Sources. |
2 |
Examples, Joining two or more Excel
worksheets, Oracle tables etc |
Example, Blending SQL table with Excel
worksheet. |
3 |
Common field is needed |
Common field is needed called as
‘Linking Field’. |
4 |
All the combined tables or sheets
contains common set of Dimensions and Measures. |
Each data source contains its own set
of Dimensions and Measures. |
5 |
We CAN have common set of Dimensions
and Measures which extends the ability to create groups, formulas and other
entities across the data. |
We can NOT have common set of
Dimensions and Measures which limits to create groups, formulas and other
entities across the data. |
6 |
In Joining, a query is sent to the
database where the join is performed. The results of the join are then sent
back to Tableau and aggregated for display in the visualization. |
In Blending, for every data source a
query is sent to the database. The result of these queries, including
the aggregated data, are sent back and combined by Tableau. |
7 |
A join combines the data and then
aggregates. |
A blend aggregates and then combines
the data. |
8 |
We perform join manually on datasets |
It is functionality that Tableau
performs automatically |
4 Examples of Joining & Blending?
Lets see an example of left join & blending so that we can understand clearly how they differ from each other.
Examples :
Left Join
— A query is sent to the database where the join is performed. A left join returns all rows from the left table and any corresponding rows from the right table. The results of the join are then sent back to Tableau and aggregated for display in the visualization.
— In Our example The common columns are Student ID and State; where there is corresponding information from the right table, that data is returned. Otherwise, there is a null.
Data blending
— A query is sent to the database for each data source that is used on the sheet. The results of the queries are sent back to Tableau as aggregated data and presented together in the visualization.
— In our example If the linking fields are Student ID and State, This will be our resulting table.
— Null indicates that
A row in the left table does not have a corresponding row match in the right table,
— Asterisk (*) indicates that
There are multiple corresponding values in the rows in the right table,
— The view uses all values from the primary data source (functioning as the left table) and the corresponding rows from the secondary data source (the right table) based on the linking field(s).
5 What are the Limitations of Data Blending?
— Data blending doesn't work for non-additive aggregates, such as COUNTD [Count Distinct], MEDIAN, and RAWSQLAGG.
Non Additive aggregates are aggregate functions that produce results that can not be aggregated along a dimension. Instead the values have top be calculated individually.
All number functions except Min & Max functions are non additive aggregates.
— We can not publish blended data source as a single unit.
For publishing blended data we have to publish each data sources separately & then blend the published data source.
— Data from secondary data source must always be aggregated in calculations.
— Data blending behaves similarly to a left join, which may result in missing data from the secondary data source.
— Data Blending performs like a left join operation and does not accept or perform any other type of join.
— A cube data source must be the primary data source while blending.
— BLENDING can lead to asterisks [ * ] if there are one-to-many relationships
I hope that this helps you to understand difference between Blending & Joining in Tableau.
You can also visit my channel to watch video on the same topic.
Please comment below if you need information on any other topic in tableau.
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